
Haut Rodric had attended with glazed eye to Pirenne's lecture during the "inspection tour" of the Encyclopedia Building. With polite and vacant smile, he had listened to the latter's rapid patter as they passed through the vast storehouses of reference films and the numerous projection rooms.
If Hardin found himself bored by the afternoon and evening that followed, he had at least the satisfaction of realizing that Pirenne and Haut Rodric having met with loud and mutual protestations of esteem and regard were detesting each other's company a good deal more.
He remained thoughtfully silent during the rest of the slow way to Cyclopedia Square.
  "under the direct control of the Emperor." There was a faint emphasis upon the last phrase that seemed to disconcert the sub-prefect.
  "We're all scholars more or less. After all, we're not so much a world as a scientific foundation – under the direct control of the Emperor."
  "Why, certainly," replied Hardin, amiably.
  "Doctor? No other title? A scholar? And he rates above the civil authority?"